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Friday 13 January 2012

Pagan Blog Project, week 2. A is for......

.............Akashic Records.

Let me first just say that I have very limited experience with this subject and that my view point may not be the same as anyone else's.

I have chosen the Akashic Records for my second week on the Pagan Blog Project, firstly because I was struggling to come up with something as a topic, and then secondly I thought it would be a good way for me to get a handle on the subject and maybe really pique my interest.

So what are the Akashic Records?

It is my understanding that they are a huge storehouse of information, like a massive library or a super computer with all knowledge.  This can be found in a non physical plane of existence which we are able to access  through deep hypnosis or meditation, or by astral travel.
When we access the Akashic Records we are not just getting a psychic reading, but glimpse into our soul's path and destiny.  Each and everyone of us has access to these records as we are all connected to the universe.  But sometimes we let our lives get so busy that this connection is badly interrupted and we have no clue about the records, or fail to gain access to them.
The info that is stored in the records isn't just about the past, present and future of the universe, they are also about our soul's mission and the direction we are heading in.  It is therefore important for us to soothe our busy minds and learn to relax enough for us to be able to gain access.

On a personal level I have felt all at sea for a very long time and it is only recently that I have reconnected with my spiritual self.  I am really interested in learning how I can gain access to the Akashic Records and see where I am headed.  It may be fun to let our path take us where it will, but sometimes it is important to know where we are headed too.  This post has inspired me to look into the Akashic Records in more depth and learn how I can access them myself.  I feel a need to know where my life is headed and have drifted aimlessly for far too long.


  1. I wrote about this topic last week too, and found it very interesting,...and comforting...and a bit scary. It's good to know that things are recorded...the good especially...but the bad, well, it's an opportunity for us to learn and own what we do. Good luck on your quest!

  2. And now I'm even more intrigued Merlyn. Read your post and the comments and I was like, I have so gotta do something about this.

  3. This was my topic for the week too! It gives me so much comfort knowing that they are there... good, bad and the ugly!


  4. I've never heard of this. It will be something for me to investigate in the future.

  5. Nothing is really lost or forgotten. That is a tremendous comfort on one hand and appalling on the other.
